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Novien Yarber


Leadership Facilitator, Instructor

PhD Candidate


What Novien believes is his "divine order" has led him to sunny Southern California where he is a Leadership Studies doctoral candidate at the School of Leadership and Education Science at the University of San Diego (USD). Novien is well known for his diverse passions of socially-just and conscious leadership development, pro-social behaviors, and creative/artistic expression, all of which he is able to fulfill through his various roles— a mentor with Big Brothers Big Sisters and the San Diego Foster Youth Mentoring Program, adjunct instructor at USD, president of the San Diego chapter of the Gates Millennium Scholars Alumni Association, and professional artist and performer. Novien is driven to, “help the greater collective reach its highest potential […]” and is ecstatic that he has the opportunity to help facilitate such impact through USD’s Conscious Leadership Academy.

The Conscious Leadership Academy

founded as The Leadership Institute in 2001, brings an innovative approach to leadership development. Based on the premise that leadership can be taught, and the belief that people learn best by doing, our team of coaches, facilitators, and faculty use an experiential methodology to help people expand their thinking, explore patterns and habits, and creatively strengthen their ability to make a positive difference in the world.


Phone: 619-260-4593


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